Other users may be added to an account after registration. The person who completed the registration will become the account Admin by default. This Admin user has the ability to add additional users and provide those users the appropriate access to the Transcepta system.
How to add a user
1. Navigate to the "Manage Users" page in the Supplier Portal settings. You can find the settings by selecting your username on the top right corner.
2. Click "New User"
3. Enter the user information
4. Select the user's privilege level. You can click on the privilege label to view a short description
5. Click "Save"
What email address is linked to our Transcepta account?
If you have access to the Supplier Portal, you can see information on all other users that have account access for your organization, along with their connected email addresses. This can be found in the Supplier Portal Settings under "Manage Users". This section will also inform you of the privileges given to each user, as detailed below.
If you are unable to access the Transcepta Supplier Portal for any reason, you can contact your customer or the Transcepta Support team to learn about the email addresses connected to your account.
User Privileges
User privilege settings determine which pages and functionality are available to users on the Supplier Portal.
Account Administration
Users with Account Administration privileges have the power to view and manage the most sensitive information about your account. This privilege allows users to access all features within the Transcepta Supplier Portal.
On the Manage Users page, these privileges are listed in the "Account Admin" column.
Supplier Portal Administration
Sign In
Sign-in privileges allow users to sign into the Transcepta Supplier Portal and view information only. Users with this privilege are limited to:
- View invoices
- Manage Customers
- Change their own password
- Access the Help Center
On the Manage Users page, these privileges are listed in the "Sign-in" column.
Edit Invoices
This user privilege means users are allowed to do the following:
- Create, edit, and cancel invoices
- Generate invoice reports
Users who do not have this privilege will still be able to view invoice details on the page, however they will not be allowed to edit or cancel invoices.
On the Manage Users page, these privileges are listed in the "Edit" column.
Profile Administration
This privilege is for users who need to manage the profiles on your account. It allows them to access all but the most sensitive pages on the Supplier Portal. With this privilege, users can access the following pages:
- Manage Invoice Profiles
- Manage PO/POA Profiles
- Download the Virtual Print Driver
- All the pages listed under "Sign In"
On the Manage Users page, these privileges are listed in the "Profile Admin" column.